Nice To Meet You....

I’m Jade, a mum of a strong-willed preteen daughter. While I’m not wild about labels, the ones we’ve been given—like ADHD and PDA—have helped us navigate the tough stuff with a better understanding. We use the knowledge that comes with those labels to support us where we can, but it’s the personal work behind the scenes that’s really made the difference.

Over the years, I’ve had to master my own emotions, learning not to get swept up in my daughter’s chaos. The parenting tools were helpful, but it was the personal development work that truly transformed my life.

But it wasn’t always like this:

When I was a teenager, I struggled. I was lost, caught up in drugs, eventually expelled from school, and by the time I was 17, I’d attempted suicide. I didn’t have the tools to thrive. It’s taken me years to learn the skills I desperately needed back then—skills that I now wish had been taught to me earlier. From being a single mum to dealing with a debilitating brain injury and chronic fatigue, I’ve faced my share of challenges. Each obstacle has shaped who I am and has deepened my passion for helping others—especially young people—build the resilience and life skills I wish I had learned earlier.

About Me:

With a deep understanding of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Positive Psychology, Mindfulness, and Human Behaviour, I now dedicate my life to empowering teens and preteens. My goal is to give them the tools they need to handle life’s challenges, helping them thrive emotionally, mentally, and socially.

My journey has shown me that resilience, emotional intelligence, and growth mindset are the foundations of a fulfilling life. These are the skills that help us bounce back from setbacks, navigate tough times, and find meaning and purpose—even in the messiest moments.

What I Wish I Knew as a Teen: I wish I had known how to manage my emotions, how to pause and reflect rather than react. I wish I had known that I had the power to shape my future, despite the chaos around me. That’s why I’m so passionate about guiding teens today—helping them learn these life-changing skills at a younger age, so they don’t have to go through the struggles I did.

Through resilience training, mindfulness practices, and emotional regulation tools, I help teens discover their own strengths and build a path toward a brighter future. And for parents, I offer insights on how to support their children while giving them the space to grow on their own.

I believe that parenting is a journey of growth—for both the child and the parent. When we model resilience, self-mastery, and emotional intelligence, we show our children what’s possible for them. But you don’t have to do it alone. I’m here to guide your child on this path, giving them the tools they need to navigate life with confidence and clarity.

We all face challenges—whether it’s raising a neurodivergent child, dealing with our own trauma, or feeling overwhelmed by life’s demands. My mission is to help teens and families rise above those challenges, creating an environment where both parents and children can thrive.

Through my program, I focus on resilience, growth mindset, emotional intelligence, and well-being—all the tools I wish I had when I was younger. Together, we can help the next generation handle life’s toughest moments with grace and strength.



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