Protecting Children from Harmful Online Content: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

My Instagram stories about this topic sparked a lot of conversation and the key thing that came up was parents did not realise they could control their children's access through their own phones so I promised to write a detailed guide outlining how! See below: 

In today's digital age, children have unprecedented access to the internet, which, while a powerful educational tool, also poses significant risks. One of the most concerning dangers is the exposure to harmful online content, including explicit material. 

The Dangers of Early Exposure to Explicit Content:

  1. Distorted Views on Sexuality:
    •  Impact on Perceptions: Exposure to explicit material can shape unrealistic expectations about sex and relationships. It often portrays aggressive, non-consensual acts as normal, leading to distorted views on what constitutes healthy sexual behavior.
    •  Behavioural Consequences: Studies indicate that early exposure to such content can result in increased sexual aggression and...
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Embracing the Autumn Woman, Harvest Queen: Insights from Jane Hardwicke Collings' Workshop

Recently, I had the profound experience of attending a talk by Jane Hardwicke Collings titled "Autumn Woman, Harvest Queen." The event, held at the home of Cyd—a dear friend and the doula who supported me during my daughter's birth 12 years ago—overlooked the majestic Es Vedra in Ibiza where I live. This powerful location, combined with the collective wisdom shared, created an unforgettable gathering that was filled with wisdom. 

Honouring the MAGA Women: The workshop began with a heartfelt ceremony honouring the MAGA women—those who are post-menopause but not yet in their Crone stage. Each MAGA woman was invited to come forward and share the wisdom they had harvested in their lives and what they wished to pass on. This ritual was a beautiful acknowledgment of the rich experiences and insights these women carry, highlighting their invaluable role in our communities and really highlighted that we must show more gratitude to these women. 

Understanding the...

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How Grain Brain Affects Kids with ADHD: What Every Parent Needs to Know


As parents, we’re always searching for ways to support our children’s health and well-being, especially when they face challenges like ADHD. One surprising factor that can significantly impact our kids’ cognitive function and behavior is diet, particularly the consumption of grains. The concept of "Grain Brain" is gaining traction in health circles, highlighting how grains can affect brain health and exacerbate conditions like ADHD. With my own daughter who is unmedicated, when she had a sandwich for three days in a row, it was always almost followed by an angry episode which led me to want to learn more on how food could affect her so dramatically. 

Understanding Grain Brain

The term "Grain Brain" was popularised by Dr. David Perlmutter, a neurologist and author of the book Grain Brain. He argues that grains, especially those high in gluten and carbohydrates, can contribute to inflammation and other issues in the brain, affecting cognitive function and...

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Hugging: Why You Should Always Be the Last One to Let Go


In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to overlook the simple, yet profound, ways we can connect with our children. One of the most powerful and underrated tools for fostering this connection is the humble hug. Hugging is more than just a gesture of affection; it is a vital part of building a strong, emotional bond with your child. In this blog, we will explore why you should always be the last one to let go when hugging your child and the numerous benefits this small act can bring.

The Power of a Hug

Hugging is an instinctive form of human connection that transcends language and culture. It is one of the earliest forms of communication we experience, beginning from the moment we are born. The warmth and comfort of a parent's embrace offer a sense of safety and security that is essential for a child's emotional development.

The Benefits of Hugging for Children

1. Enhances Emotional Security

When you hug your child, you are providing a physical reminder that...

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Discover the Power of Tapping: A Practical Guide for Busy Mums

As mothers, we often find ourselves juggling countless responsibilities, from managing household chores to caring for our children and balancing work. This whirlwind of activities can leave us feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and disconnected from our own needs. If you’re searching for a simple yet effective way to navigate these daily challenges, Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), might be the perfect solution for you, its something I often use in the mornings after I brush my teeth as a sort of psychological pick me up.

What is Tapping (EFT)?

Tapping is a holistic healing technique that combines the principles of ancient Chinese acupressure with modern psychology. By gently tapping on specific meridian points on your body while focusing on negative emotions or physical sensations, you can help release stress and restore balance. Think of it as a form of emotional acupuncture, but without the needles.

Why is Tapping Beneficial for Mums? 

1. Reduces...

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Creating Calm: How Tapping Transforms Strong-Willed and Neurodivergent Kids


In the journey of parenting, few challenges compare to raising strong-willed and neurodivergent children. These amazing kids bring so much joy and uniqueness into our lives, but they also require a lot more guidance in navigating their emotions and reactions. I feel the highs are higher but the lows are lower.

One powerful tool that can help them achieve emotional balance is Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).

What is Tapping (EFT) and Why is it Important for Kids?

Tapping is a simple yet effective technique that involves gently tapping on specific points on the body while focusing on negative emotions or physical sensations. This method, which combines elements of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology, can help release emotional distress and bring about a sense of calm.

For strong-willed and neurodivergent children, Tapping offers a way to manage their emotions independently and effectively. It empowers them to regulate their own...

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Understanding Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) in Neurodivergent Children

Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) is usually seen as profile on the autism spectrum.  However my own daughter who has an ADHD profile suffers from PDA to a high level, this then makes me ask questions around wether she is AuDHD or if that PDA is common in other areas too - still working that one out!

PDA is characterised by an extreme avoidance of everyday demands and expectations due, often a simple request like "brush your teeth" can put the child into fight, flight, freeze or fawn. Children with PDA often exhibit behaviours that can be challenging for parents and educators to manage, but understanding these behaviours and employing low demand language can help maintain a child's regulation and overall well-being.

What Does PDA Look Like?

Children with PDA may exhibit a range of behaviours that stem from their need to avoid demands and expectations. These behaviours can include:

  •  Avoidance: Going to great lengths to avoid demands, including creating distractions or...
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Silent Regulation: How Mothers Can Calm Their Children Without Words



 In the daily hustle and bustle of motherhood, there are moments when words fail us. Our children, especially those with strong wills or neurodivergent traits, often react to our energy and presence more than our spoken instructions. This silent dance of regulation, deeply rooted in polyvagal theory, shows us that sometimes, the most powerful way to calm and guide our children is without saying a word!

Understanding Polyvagal Theory

Polyvagal theory, developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, explains how our autonomic nervous system regulates our emotional and physiological states. It highlights three primary states:

  1. Social Engagement: When we feel safe and connected, our nervous system is in a calm, regulated state.
  2. Fight or Flight: When we perceive danger, our system becomes activated, preparing us to confront or flee the threat.
  3. Freeze: In extreme cases of threat, our system may shut down, leading to feelings of numbness or disconnection.

For mothers, understanding...

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Strong Willed Child vs ADHD Labelling

It’s funny how a perspective shift can transform everything. 

A strong willed child, can be energetic, can be argumentative, can be absolutely infuriating. They can unintentionally beat you down, especially if you are leading the way with positive discipline, gentle parenting and respectful parenting practices. 

It can all make you questions your sanity.  It forces you to work on yourself, to be come a better parent. You learn to master your own strong willed tendencies, you search out ways to find better grounding and control of yourself. 

You look for tools to support your interactions with your child. You use ‘Time-In” you swerve ‘Reward Charts’ you work hard to never use punishment or reward. 

You build resilience, you teach them how to look at things from a global perspective not just a local perspective (the whole world hates me then becomes that one girl doesn’t like me) 

Life becomes easier and you find a...

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Is the Water We Drink as Important as the Food We Eat?


The importance of a healthy diet is often emphasised when we speak about raising children. We focus on organic foods, balanced meals, and avoiding processed junk, but how often do we consider the quality of the water we drink? For mothers striving to nurture their families, understanding the significance of water quality, particularly structured water, can be a game-changer. My dear friend Gemma really turned me on to the importance of water in the last year and the more I read the more I see this is a vital part of a holistic health puzzle.

The Science Behind Structured Water

Structured water, sometimes referred to as hexagonal water, is believed to have a unique molecular arrangement that is more beneficial to our bodies than regular tap or bottled water. This concept has been explored by various researchers, including Dr. Masaru Emoto, who famously demonstrated how the molecular structure of water can change based on exposure to different environments, emotions, and...

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